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Computer Security Resource Center

The Computer Security Resource Center is one of eight divisions within the Information Technology Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), a US federal technology agency that develops and promotes measurement, standards, and technology. The Computer Security Division is involved with many different projects and CSRC provides Webpages based on these projects.

The site provides access to documents concerned with the development of the US government's computer security policy, including definitions of encryption, cryptography and authorisation procedures. There is an up-to-date news section as well as publications available in HTML and PDF format, and links to other computer security pages.

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Computer and Communications Security Research and Education Center

This site provides details of the research carried out at CCSC into the security of computer and communications-based systems. There are publications available to download from staff pages.

Other information includes details of the research areas pursued, projects, staff pages, some of which include teaching materials, and events.

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Build secure WS-Resources with WSRF::Lite and WS-Security

Basic knowledge of Perl and a basic understanding of Web services technology and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) are recommended. This tutorial requires all users to register/sign in with IBM IDs and passwords, which can be used site-wide.

This tutorial shows Web services (WS) and grid developers how to build secure WS resources using WSRF::Lite, a Perl implementation of the Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF). It shows users how to secure Web services and WS resources built with WSRF::Lite, using two approaches: Transport Layer Security (TLS) and digitally signing Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) messages.

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Digital Signature Guidelines

Digital Signature Guidelines is a publication on the American Bar Association website that is intended to assist anyone involved in online transactions that need to be secure and authentically signed.

Complete with a tutorial, the Guidelines (from the American Bar Association, Section of Science and Technology) explain digital signature technology in simple terms, and examine how this technology can be applied as a computer-based alternative to traditional signatures. Visitors can download copies of the book in WordPerfect or Microsoft Word format or obtain zipped copies of either format.

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Electronic Frontier Foundation

The EFF campaigns for online freedom of access and privacy rights.

This organisational site includes several accounts of legal cases which EFF has been involved in as well as appeals for action in current cases. There is a newsletter and also a library of Online Civil Liberties Documents covering topics such as encryption, spamming and cybersquatting. A calendar of events is provided.

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Microsoft Research

This site gives a list of links to computer science projects and groups conducting research at Microsoft. It includes a searchable publications database that includes journal articles and technical reports. Free software and demonstrations are available to download.

There are also links to news articles about, and press releases from, Microsoft Research. The site is linked to the Multi University Research Laboratory (MURL) site, a collaboration between Microsoft Research, PARC and four US university departments; lectures given by members of this group can be viewed over the web.

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Free online dictionary of computing

FOLDOC is a searchable dictionary of acronyms, jargon, programming languages, tools, architecture, operating systems, networking, theory, conventions, standards, mathematics, electronics, institutions, companies, projects, products and history

covering all aspects of computing. The dictionary contains over 13500 definitions.

Entries are cross-referenced to each other and to other related resources elsewhere on the Internet. Searching is done by direct entry under terms or scrolling through letters of the alphabet.

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Computing Reviews

Computing Reviews is a subscription–based service which publishes monthly reviews of books, articles, and other forms of publications, thus providing a critical survey of what is being published in the field at the time. Author rebuttals may be printed.

The site offers reviews organised by subject area. Reviews can be browsed or searched. Reviewer profiles and discussion forums for various topics are provided. Access requires a subscription.

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Computing Research Association

Information about the CRA's work to promote research and education in the computing fields, expand opportunities for women and minorities, and improve public and policymaker understanding of the importance of computing and computing research in society is provided here.

This includes information about events, jobs, projects, and publications. A list of members and affiliated professional societies is available.

The site also contains a government affairs section with advocacy and policy analysis for the computing research community, funding papers, fact sheets, policy briefs, and surveys. The CRA newsletter and bulletin is available along with best practice reports, student/career guides, a computing research policy blog, and links to related sites.

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British Computer Society

This extensive site gives information about the society and its activities in the field of computers and information systems. Publications are listed, with tables of contents and abstracts of journals available to all (full-text is available to subscribers only).

Events are listed and there is information on professional development, exams, and courses offered by the society. Links to specialist groups are given along with industry and society news, careers information and information on Internet security and general computer use.

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Australian Computer Society

Provided here are details of this association's (ACS) work to promote the development of Australian information and communications technology resources. Resources available include conference papers and certification papers (in PDF format), news, links to information on events, careers, membership, standards, research grants, and publications.

Publications include Information Age, a general interest magazine, and columns provided by ACS for The Australian newspaper's computers and high technology section. A special supplement celebrating 35 years of ACS history and professional computing is available detailing recent initiatives, milestones, and the future of ACS and IT as a profession. There is also information about special interest groups, examinations, training, and other professional development activities. ACS's codes of ethics and of professional conduct and professional practice, minutes from Joint Board Software Engineering meetings, and links to a number of relevant sites is also listed.

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