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How to Copy and Save Photos from Orkut Album Directly

There is a very annoying feature at orkut now. You can not download any image file from Orkut directly from someone's album. You will have to save the whole HTML file instead or you will have to take screen-shots and then save it in paint and then crop it. Isn't it too tedious? The other day I saw a beautiful landscape in my friend's album and I had to tell him to send me the photo! So here is what I found to be a simple trick which can solve your problem within seconds.

1. Open the the particular picture you want to save in your computer.
2. Then just drag and drop the photo to your address bar where is written. You will see the same photo in a slightly different link, say,….

and then right click on the photo, Bingo! Now you can save the photo to your computer.


  © Abhishek Upadhayay Romantico by 2008

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