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The Data Administration Newsletter

This is a web-based newsletter, published by consultant Robert Seiner. It contains a range of articles on data management and related topics.

It also has listings of conferences, jobs, companies and related Web pages. An archive and a search engine are provided.

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The Web Robots Pages

This resource guide includes a FAQ about web Robots, from web users, web authors, and web robot implementors.

There is information on preventing web robots from accessing your website as well as a list of types of web robots and a mailing list. Articles on web robots are given. Links to related sites are provided.

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Spatial Data Transfer Standard

The Spatial Data Transfer Standard (SDTS) is a way of transferring earth-referenced spatial data between dissimilar computer systems with the potential for no information loss.

The site features SDTS standards documentation, user guides in PDF format, workshop and conference reports and training materials, as well as links to available public domain software. Visitors can also avail of event announcements and a news archive.

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IEEE Computer Society data engineering bulletin

A link to tables of contents back to 1891 is available. The site is provided by the IEEE Computer Society in the USA.

This quarterly journal site covers the design, implementation, modeling, theory and application of database systems and their technology. It includes the full-text of current and previous issues back to 1993 in PostScript or PDF format.

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Fraunhofer Institute for Information and Data Processing

Fraunhofer Institute for Information and Data Processing (IITB) develops concepts and application solutions in the field of information technologies and data and information processing for technical systems. Research is carried out in the fields of production control systems, production optimisation, telematic systems,

real-time image processing systems, recognition and diagnostic systems, interaction systems, multi-modal transport systems, utility supplies and waste disposal systems, environmental and ecological systems, cognition systems, and infrastructure and services. The Institute is divided in several departments: in Karlsruhe where the Cognitive Systems Section and the Department for Technical Expert Systems - Process Monitoring and Control are situated; in Dresden with the Department of Process Control; and in Berlin.

The site introduces the Institute and its research fields with associated contacts, links to related Departments and gives details about services and products.

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Data science journal

Full-text articles from this peer reviewed electronic journal publishing papers on the management of data and databases in science and technology can be found here in PDF format.

An archive of back issues is also available, as is a list of forthcoming papers.

The scope of the journal includes descriptions of data systems, their publication on the Internet, applications, and legal issues. It is published by the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) of the International Council for Science (ICSU).

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Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases

The journal Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) covers topics in data mining methods, algorithms for data mining, knowledge discovery processes, and application issues.

Tables of contents and abstracts are available. The full-text is available electronically to subscribers. A full-text sample issue is provided in PDF format.

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BotSpot It specialises in software tools used for digging through data on computers and the Internet.

The site includes a newsletter. What is a Bot? gives an introduction to the topic. There is information on types of Bots and new developments as well as recommendations and reviews. Some types of Bots, including DISCo Pump offline browser can be downloaded from the site. Links to FAQ sites are provided. The site can be searched.

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Data science journal

Full-text articles from this peer reviewed electronic journal publishing papers on the management of data and databases in science and technology can be found here in PDF format.

An archive of back issues is also available, as is a list of forthcoming papers.

The scope of the journal includes descriptions of data systems, their publication on the Internet, applications, and legal issues. It is published by the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) of the International Council for Science (ICSU).

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Top Resources in Search Engine Industry

This section contains a collection of links relating to different search engines subjects. Especially users, webmasters, search engine experts, seo and web marketing companies, search engine submission firms, search engine optimization specialists and expert relating to search engine reviews, search engine tutorials, search engine technology, search engine software for your web site, search engines and legal issues, search engine conferences, search engine advertising, SEO organisations and directories, search engine web promotion,, Internet marketing and SEO forums.

Search Engine Industry Source

The above resources will be very useful if you are concerned with Search Engine Industry.

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What are Virtual Private Servers (VDS) and their advantages?

Do you think that Virtual Private Server also known as VPS is a popular and a new concept? No it is an old concept of dividing a physical device, which is large and costly into many parts and allowing more and more people access to it at affordable price. It is just more than shared server and less than a dedicated servers. Virtual Private Server is similar to a building, which is divided into different flats, and each flat is independent unit having its own drawing room, kitchen and its own lock and key.

VPS is a hosting environment that gives you your own machine. Each VPS is a private and protected area that operates as an independent server. The VPS allows multiple customers to share the expense of hardware and network connections (and completely eliminate the hassle of maintaining it all) without sacrificing performance or the freedom to run whatever software they choose. Every VPS has its own complete directory structure and set of dedicated applications (web server, mail server, etc.). And each VPS can be rebooted without affecting any other VPS on the physical server.

Virtual Private Servers Known by different names Virtual Private Server, VPS, VPS Server, VDS, Virtual Dedicated Server, Virtual Shared Server have same meaning that is, partition of Dedicated Server. Virtual Private Servers are more costly than a shared hosting plan, but if you don't want to pay for dedicated server, then the choice is VPS. VPS bundles the privacy, performance, and controls of a dedicated plan but because it's on a shared server, it's more

Advantage of Virtual Private Server (VDS)

1. Setup of servers in minutes
2. Utmost reliability and security
3. True root access on your own virtual dedicated server.
4. Install the software you want!
5. Increase server utilization and maximize server potential
6. Increase profitability through better management
7. Leverage of hardware and software investments
8. Provide complete self-administration panels
9. Manage servers with a minimal skill set
10.Minimize software license and support requirements
11.Create your own virtual disks for your server, including swap!

Virtual Private Server technology allows your Server to be completely isolated from every other Server on the same physical machine - other users are unaware of you, can not access your files (unlike some shared hosting solutions!) and, importantly, can not crash your server. For you, this means that you get the utmost reliability and security - features that your website deserves.

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Your Free Guide to building a website - V

Editing objects in WebEden

The beauty of building a website with WebEden is the speed with which you can edit pages or make site wide changes. Here’s 6 Menus to Basic Editing of your website

1. Edit menu
This allows you to operate on the currently selected object. Everything you see on a page is an object and to use it, you simply click on it and drag it around the page, or click here to edit it. You can delete objects from the Edit menu, send them to the back (as you can put objects on top of each other, like using layers in DTP programs), or change some more generic settings. For example, you can change the settings for the current page here, so you can set it as a private page that only registered users can see. The Edit menu also allows you to manage who is registered on your site and send them emails if you have chosen a package that includes this feature. Many of these features are not normally available in low end hosting packages or in normal HTML, but are possible because of the unique delivery system WebEden uses.

2. Pages menu
This menu lists the pages on your site, so you can jump to one to edit it. It also allows you to organise the pages and set which is the home page, etc. a great way to create your own website.

3. Insert menu
This is a very powerful menu as it allows you to add all manner of elements to your pages. As well as text and images, you can choose File, which brings up the File Manager. We’ll look at this in detail in the next part of this series, but you will come to love it because it gives you access to the WebEden library, which includes polls, animations, frames, games and much more.

4. Design menu
You can change the fonts, background, and the “Page Master” which is the template that contains elements that are on every page, like the menus. This menu also allows you to change the overall dimensions of your pages.

5. Active object
The currently selected object on a page will show a bounding box, a real help when you make your own website.

6. Editor dialog As you select different objects or add ones, this editor changes to offer options.

When you create your own website with WebEden you can have interactive elements like polls added easily, as well as your own images, all added to the existing template.

When you create your WebEden account, you simply step through the wizard as described on the next page and select a subdomain, like tutorial., as your web address. If you want to have a “proper” URL, you can register a web address and simply get it to forward to your WebEden address automatically.

That’s all for now...

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Your Free Guide to building a website - IV

What’s next?
Now you have the site, simply click on any area that you wish to change and you will be able to edit it. Start with the basics, which is entering the text you want on your website.

By single clicking on an item you will see the bounding box that surrounds any item. This is like the boxes you will find in any design package on your PC, so you will find control boxes at the corners and mid-points of the bounding box. You
can use these to stretch or shrink the object. You will also see that the floating Editor dialog changes as you select different objects on a page. This dialog allows you to change the dimensions of an object or the location of it by entering the pixel data. If the object is a text object you can double click on the object and you will now be able to change the text itself. If you already have the text that you want to appear on a web page written in a Word document, then you can copy it into your pages by opening the document and selecting the text and copying it to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl-C. Then go into WebEden and double click on the text box you wish to edit, then select the text by wanding it in, and press Ctrl-V to paste over it. When you have finished entering the text for a page, you can click on the Save icon to save it, or if you click on a different page in the menu, you will move to edit that page, and WebEden will prompt you to save the page automatically. As long as you don’t simply quit the
browser, there should little chance of you inadvertently losing any changes you make to pages. Clicking on the pages in your site menu may take you to the individual pages so you can edit those, but how do you edit the menu itself to rename pages or add pages to your site. Website Builder makes this easier than any other method we’ve seen. Simply go to Pages / Organise pages and
the dialog there lists the pages currently in your site. To change the order of pages in the menu, click on a page in the Drag column and move it up or down the list. Type over the page’s name in this dialog to change it on all pages, and click on the “Add a new page” to add one to the menu. See below for sub-menus.

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Your Free Guide to building a website - III

Step 2
WebEden has many advanced features which we’ll look at in later tutorials, but for now let’s look at one of the key ones, which is the menu editing feature, which is the key to great website building. The menu changes you make in the site organiser are automatically site wide, so you don’t need to worry about making sure changes are replicated across pages. You may also decide that you want a part of your menu to be a category for new pages, rather than a link to an individual page. Create the new pages and then drag them up so they sit under the category link. Click on the arrow next to the page number in the Organiser and it will make the page a sub-page of the one above it.

Now the website builder knows what type of site - and therefore what pages - are needed, it will combine these with the design template. Again there are buttons which when you click on one the preview will be shown above. The difference here is that as well as choosing the basic template for your page’s design, you will see there are three colour buttons under the preview. Once you’ve selected a template, click on the colour button you prefer and you will see the colour scheme applied to the template. Note that there are two pages of templates to choose from.

Step 3
Once chosen, you can move on to final step which requires you name the site and enter an email address. You can then create your own website and you will be taken to a view of your new site.

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Your Free Guide to building a website - II

Step 1
You can try out WebEden by clicking on the 14 day trial icon on the home page and starting the wizard. The wizard takes only a few steps and you don’t need to enter any credit card or financial data to try out the site, only a valid email address which is used to validate your WebEden account. The first step of the wizard gives you a set of options for the purpose of your website. By selecting the purpose, you decide the number and titles of the pages on your site, so for
example you can have a home page with a music page, links, message board and hit counter, or a site for a club you may run with club news, events and photo gallery. You can see the different pages for each purpose by clicking on the relevant button – the list of pages will appear above. If none suit your purpose, you can choose a Blank purpose and add your own pages later. The next step will allow you to combine the pages titles you’ve chosen with a design template.

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Your Free Guide to building a website - I

What do you do if you want a good looking website, but don’t want to have to install and learn complicated new software? Previously the answer was either to pay someone else to create the site for you, which was very expensive, or to choose a wizard driven online site builder. These create generic, drab looking sites that are very restricted in terms of functionality and in terms of how much you can change them. WebEden is a new service that provides the next generation of website building.

What is excellent about WebEden is the scope of the offering. Starting at only £2.99/month, cheaper than some standard Web Hosting packages, you get a
hosted website together with an online website creator that makes generating a site and updating it, from anywhere in the world, a walk in the park.
Best of all, WebEden grows with you, so you can start out knowing nothing about creating a website and the system is intuitive that you can have your own
new website up and running in half an hour. If you just need a site that looks presentable and offers the right information that you need, then simply use the wizard to set up a site. Even in its most simple form though, it’s better than other wizard driven sites, as you can choose the type of site you are after so that the right pages are created, and then a basic template for the design and then the colour scheme you want as well.

These tick box driven decisions by themselves mean that your site will have an individual look about it, but will look better than 90% of the hand created sites you see online. As you get used to the WebEden system though, you can edit the site and change any part of it that you want, all through the online interface. And we don’t just mean changing the colours, fonts or the graphics, the whole layout of pages can be controlled easily through your browser. The system can even password protect parts of your site and add Message Boards for interactivity. If this sounds interesting, then the good news is that you can try WebEden for free as they have a 14 day free trial, so you can play with the system all you like without any risk. Go to and sign up for free now.

Get started with WebEden

How to sign up with WebEden and get your first website ready for visitors in half an hour

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Panasonic unveils 1-inch thick HDTV [CES '09]

Panasonic won the day with its unveiling of the Z1 Viera TV. This super thin set — thickness of a mere inch — is also a wireless TV. What this means is that the TV has no inputs. Instead it comes with a set-top box which has the requisite ports and connects with the Z1 Viera wirelessly, with no loss or degradation in quality. The box can then be placed anywhere in the room. And yes, it does all this in full HD 1080p glory.

The Z1 Viera is a super-thin, wireless HDTV capable of playing 1080p content

A set-top box comes with the requisite connection ports -- the TV itself wirelessly connects to this box. There are no ports on the Panasonic Z1 Viera

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