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Installing Windows XP after Windows Vista

How to Install XP after Vista

Below is the way I installed Windows XP on my computer where Windows Vista was already installed... creating a dual boot too.

First find the drivers for your network components, wireless card or nic, and save them to an external device such as a floppy disk or flash drive.

Then you will need to go into the BIOS on your computer startup. Scroll to the System Configuration tab and go down to the SATA Native Support and change its setting to Disabled. Then hit F10 to Save and Exit.

Next, insert your Windows XP CD and create the partition you wish to install XP on. After the installation is complete you should boot automatically into XP.

Now you need to move some files. First, make sure you have set your folder options to see hidden files and to show protected operating system files. Then open Windows Explorer and go to the drive where Vista is installed. Copy the folder Boot, and the files bootmgr, boot.ini, NTDETECT.COM and ntldr and paste them to the root of your XP drive.

Vista Boot Pro Now...
and save it to your desktop or somewhere else that you can easily access. Unless you already have .Net Framework (v2.0 at least) it will redirect you to a Microsoft page where you can download this necessary component.

Install and run Vista Boot Pro and open the "Bootloader" tab. Select "Reinstall the Vista bootloader" and press Apply. Then go to the Manage OS Entries tab and select "Add new operating system entry" and make sure you select "Windows Legacy". Give the new entry a name (ie: Windows XP) and select the drive letter you have XP on and then select Apply. You can also choose which entry you would like as the default the system will boot to.

And now you should be able to dual boot between Vista and a previous OS.


  © Abhishek Upadhayay Romantico by 2008

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