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Classical Greek fonts and utilities for the PC

The Classical Greek Fonts and Utilities website offers PC users several free downloadable fonts, keyboard utilities, and macros. At the time of writing, there was a selection of eleven 'WinGreek' fonts, and twelve Unicode fonts to choose from. Some of the fonts require that a particular utility be installed on the user's computer. These are provided at the site. Such utilities are necessary for typing using the font, in order to access all the required breathings and accents. An example of such a utility is 'Son of WinGreek', which may be downloaded from the site. A more recent program, 'Antioch', takes advantage of the Unicode format that is offered by the more up-to-date word processors. This may also be obtained from the site. Most of the utilities are shareware, being free to download on the understanding that satisfied users will contribute a certain amount of money to the developer. The site also offers help in deciding which font to choose, as well as explanations of how the different encoding systems work.


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